Legal notices

Mentions légales

Editorial Responsibility :

Remontées Mécaniques du Collet d'Allevard 
Le Chamois n°1
38580 Le Collet d'Allevard
Tél. 04 76 45 10 32


Design  / Integration / Development / Hosting :  XSALTO (
6 av, Pierre de Coubertin
Tel : 04 92 36 60 06
Fax : 04 92 36 19 75


Processing of personal data :
The information is the object of an IT processing intended to study the requests of the persons interested in the company SIVOM as well as the requests of his customers. The persons are free to join and to unsubscribe in the newsletter of the company SIVOM. The addressees of the data are only knowned by the SIVOM company.

According to the law " computing and liberties " of January 6th, 1978 modified in 2004, you benefit from a right of access and from a rectification to the information which concern you, which you can exercise by sending you to the department administration and accounting of the company
Remontées Mécaniques du Collet d'Allevard 
38580 Le Collet d'Allevard
You can also, for justifiable motives, oppose to the data processing concerning you on simple request.

Photos : All photos (except  photos used for on-line sale offers) are owned by l'OT D'Allevard..